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[EN] Autorevision: webinar

  • Datum: 9 October 2023
  • Uhr: 19:30 Bis 21:30
  • Ort: Webinar
  • Kontakt: Valérie Yernault -
  • Kategorie: Fortbildung
  • Partager sur les réseaux:

Self-Revision Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Self-revision is always a tricky undertaking, but with the right tools and techniques, you can consistently achieve clear, refined, and compelling translations that meet your clients’ goals.

In this workshop, we will uncover the 6 major categories of translation errors and go over tried-and-true methods to spot and fix them.

Along the way, we’ll borrow a few clever strategies from other professions that have managed to minimize professional error. And as a bonus, each participant will leave with a clearer idea of their unique self-revision style and how to optimize it.

Get ready to hand in your best work on a consistent basis—and with much less stress!


  • Understanding the task
  • Methodologies
  • Typical approaches
  • Clever techniques


  • Members : €50
  • Non-members : €75


Registration by e-mail to .
Payment to CBTI-BKVT account number BE32 3100 4638 6702.