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“Facets of Vocabulary Learning”, a symposium by the Ghent On Language Learning and Didactics research group of Ghent University

  • Datum: 9 September 2014
  • Uhr: 13:30 Bis 17:00
  • Ort: Dept. of Translation, Interpreting and Communication - Ghent University
  • Kontakt:
  • Kategorie: Konferenzen, Sonstige Veranstaltungen
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The Ghent On Language Learning and Didactics (GOLLD) research group of Ghent University has the pleasure to invite you to the symposium:

Facets of Vocabulary Learning

Tuesday September 9, 2014
13h30 – 17h00
Dept. of Translation, Interpreting and Communication – Ghent University
Abdisstraat 1, 9000 Gent
A-building, 1st floor (room A104)

13h30 – Welcoming, by Prof. dr. Véronique Hoste, chair of the Department

13h35 – “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that form: lexical quality is a key goal of vocabulary learning”, by Prof. dr. Irina Elgort, Victoria University, Wellington

14h10 – “A reappraisal of multimodal input: Do pictorial glosses really promote uptake of new words?”, by Prof. dr. Frank Boers, Victoria University, Wellington

14h45 – Coffee break

15h15 – “Vocabulary size and word recognition: Why does L2 word recognition take more time?”, by Prof. dr. Marc Brysbaert, Ghent University

15h50 – “Consequences of the death of handwriting for the retention of new L2 vocabulary?”, by Prof. dr. June Eyckmans, Ghent University

16h25 – Closing and drinks

All paper sessions will focus on the didactic implications of vocabulary research and will include question time and discussion.
Participation is free. For practical purposes, registration is required, however.
Please register online before August 31st :

For further information please contact