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Interpreters - Charter of best practices and relations amongst colleagues

Interpreters – Charter of best practices and relations amongst colleagues

A large group of colleagues of Freelance Interpreters United in collaboration with the CBTI met regularly to reflect on how we want to shape our profession in the future. Countless meetings and consultation rounds later, we are proud to present this Charter of best practices and relations amongst colleagues.

The Charter comprises recommendations to ensure that after the post-Covid-restart, we can continue to:

  • Offer high-quality interpreting services to our clients,
  • Work together in a professional and cooperative manner,
  • Safeguard our (financial) future as well as the future of the profession.

We also hope that this document will help newcomers to find their way onto the Belgian interpreting market. In times when informal chats are far from obvious, we believe this Charter presents a welcome added value.

We would like to invite you to read the document and apply the recommendations as much as possible. After the summer break, we hope that, with your support, we can continue to make this document more widely known. Behind the scenes, we are already thinking about the next steps. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or would like to collaborate, please contact  or .

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to the creation of this document.