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[EN] Wordscope – Boost your productivity (Webinar)

  • Datum: 24 February 2023
  • Uur: 15:00 Tot 16:00
  • Plaats: Webinar
  • Contact: Philippe Mercier -
  • Categorie: Opleidingen
  • Delen op sociale media:

Are you…
Spending lots of time of hunting through dictionaries, online or physical? Tired of hunting through documents for past translations of terms you’ve already used? Struggling to keep consistency over time or across several documents? Wordscope is the answer!

Wordscope provides a variety of tools, for MAC and PC, to ensure quality translations:

  • An infinite number of private translation memories where you can store the right vocabulary for the right client (with the ability to import TMX files);
  • The biggest terminology databases (IATE, SCTA, TERMIUM, TERMCAT, TERMDAT, SNOMED-CT, ICD-10, etc.);
  • Public translation memories (EU, Moniteur Belge);
  • Several machine translation engines from which to choose the best suggestions (DeepL, Google Translate, Amazon Translate, Systran);
  • Quality control tools to check for grammar or spelling errors, inconsistencies, typos;
  • Synonym lists to improve writing;
  • Several sharing options to split large projects between different translators, or with a client;
  • A “cloud search“ for even more translation suggestions;
  • ChatGPT for translators (

You would like to know more about Wordscope? Attend this free webinar!

-> Register here:

Philippe Mercier, Wordscope’s CEO, will explain its many features in more detail.

Special Offer for CBTI-BKVT Members
As a member of the CBTI-BKVT, enjoy a special discount on your Wordscope subscription. You will soon receive an email about this special offer.