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CBTI-BKVT Volunteer Event

The Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters would be nothing without its volunteers. Whether they are working as part of the translators’ pool, sit on any of the various sector committees, or on the Board of Directors, or handle any of the wide number of minor duties that keep associations like ours going: they are all indispensable cogs that keep the wheels of the machine that is the BKVT/CBTI running smoothly.

Each year, the association stages a get-together where all volunteers get to meet up, enjoy a relaxing chat over a nice meal and a drink.

In 2014, Agnès Feltkamp again took it upon herself to host the event. Last 6 September she was happy to open up her lovely arboured garden to some thirty-odd volunteers.

Below are a few pics of the event. As you can tell, the weather gods were smiling on us!