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Three-day interpreter training course English B

  • Date: 19 août 2019
  • Heure: 00:00 à 00:00
  • Lieu: University of Ghent, Mercator Campus, Abdisstraat 1, 9000 Ghent
  • Catégorie: Formations
  • Partager sur les réseaux:

Course description

This short course aims to enhance your retour into English, and to improve interpreting skills It will focus on

• Retour enhancement for English Bs
• Simultaneous training
• Interpreting of live and recorded speeches with native-speaker feedback
• Possible: Preparing for EU accreditation tests (if there is demand)

All participants will identify a variety of a good quality online speeches and prepare 3-4 speeches each of 10-20 minutes on general topics to be delivered freely, preferably not read out. Read speeches are acceptable provided copies for participants are available.

The trainer will send a course outline to all signed up participants well in advance to explain how this will work.

Target audience

Practising professional interpreters with English B wishing to improve their interpreting skills. The course will be held in English. Participants’ languages are Dutch, French and German. Participants will work into their A languages from time to time as well as into their English B. For practical reasons there must be 2 speakers of each A language.

The number of participants is ideally 10, maximum 12.


Helen Campbell is highly qualified to run the training workshop She was a staff member of the Directorate-General for Interpretation of the European Commission (DG SCIC) in Brussels from 1973 until 2001. A skilled and experienced interpreter trainer, she has aptitude-tested, taught, and acted as examiner at university and EU exams. She continues to teach on interpreting courses in Europe and is an external staff trainer and examiner for the MCI at Glendon College, York University, Toronto. Helen is co-editor with Jesus Baigorri of Salamanca University of five volumes on legal translation seminars. Helen is currently the Director of the National Network for Interpreting of the UK programme ‘Routes into Languages’.

Practical details


19-21 August 2019


University of Ghent, Mercator Campus, Abdisstraat 1, 9000 Ghent

Room equipped with 10 Televic double seating booths


You can register by sending an email to Please register before July 20th.

Course price

• € 450 for CBTI members
• € 450 for non-members before June 30.
• € 550 for non-members after June 30.

Cancellation policy

Minimum 7 to be registered by July 20.