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36th Translating and the Computer Conference

  • Date: 27 November 2014
  • Time: 09:30 Till 19:00
  • Place: One Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London, UK
  • Contact:
  • Category: Conferences, Conferences, Third-party Activities, Third-party Activities
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Translating and the Computer Conference

which is set to be held in London on 27 and 28 November 2014. BKVT/CBTI members qualify for an early bird discount rate if they register before 27 October.

Here is the invitation sent to us by our sister association who is hosting the event, ASLING.


In its 36th session Translating and the Computer has moved from ASLIB to ASLING. The conference often referred to as the “ASLIB Conference” is now the ASLING Translating and the Computer Conference.

Translating and the Computer has always attracted a unique amalgam of researchers, developers and users. It brings together academics involved in language technology research and in teaching translation and terminology with those who develop, market and use tools for language transformation designed for translators, terminologists, interpreters, and voice-over specialists. Many of the participants are such users whether freelancers or working in translation departments of large organisations such as the European Parliament, European courts and the European Patent Office, the United Nations family, international companies and Language Services Providers (LSPs), large and small.

First the computer, then the Internet and more recently the Cloud, are changing and remodelling expectations and processes in the language and localisation industries. These changes are accompanied by new requirements for standards and interoperability. The digital age is modifying the concept of text and quality. Content is a key item together with strings, chunks, segments and words.

Thus this unique venue, in the heart of Westminster, is an occasion you simply cannot miss! A meeting of minds from all over the globe involved in translating and computers. A chance to hear about the latest advances, methods and tools, to discuss with experts, to gain in-depth knowledge in the workshops and take part in the great debate on “the advances expected in the next 6 years, the pressures, the pitfalls and what this signifies for continuous training” as well as a precious networking opportunity.

ASLING has taken over this hallmark conference to ensure that you have the opportunity to keep abreast and have your say.

We look forward to welcoming you to London and a great start.


  • Juliet Macan, Arancho Doc srl. (Lead Chair 2014)
  • João Esteves-Ferreira, Tradulex, International Association for Quality Translation
  • Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton
  • Olaf-Michael Stefanov, United Nations (ret), JIAMCATT

Programme Committee

  • David Chambers, World Intellectual Property Organisation (ret)
  • Gloria Corpas Pastor, University of Malaga
  • Estelle Delpech, Nomao
  • Alain Désilets, National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
  • David Filip, LRC, CNGL, LT-Web, University of Limerick
  • Pamela Mayorcas, Fellow of the Institute of Translation & Interpreting (FITI)
  • Paola Valli, University of Trieste
  • Nelson Verástegui, International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Conference Manager

  • Nicole Adamides

Technical Advisor

  • Jean-Marie Vande Walle

Programme & Information

View the programme we are preparing for you at the following link:!programme/cee5

Visit our conference site often in the coming days and weeks, at to see the programme develop and for new items. You will have the chance to indicate which workshops particularly interest you and contribute to the ongoing preparation for the “big debate”. We are convinced that your contributions will make the difference!


Registration for the Conference is now open!

Early bird extended for members of the Belgian Chamber of Translators and Interpreters to October 27th at:

Association internationale pour la promotion des technologies linguistiques /
International Association for Advancement in Language Technology

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